Corporate VPN Accounts

Online security has to be more intense at business levels, obviously any breaches of Internet security could result in significant losses to any corporation. Loss of information due to cybercrime or eavesdropping can be prevented if businesses protect Internet use by taking out corporate VPN (virtual private network) services.

Reasons for Corporate VPN Services

Globalization of business is one of the major reasons all businesses need to take out business VPN packages. In today’s thriving marketplace many businesses have global interests spanning the whole world. The days when a business would focus purely upon its local neighbourhood are virtually gone and corporate VPN packages will ensure the security of data and information transmitted and sent by all employees.

Another trend in the modern workplace is for employees to work on Internet from their home, while travelling or when based in different geographic locations. Protecting all aspects of the business correspondence at all times and in any part of the world is an important and valuable contribution that corporate VPN makes to any business, as it is do do the best background checks on new employees or business partners.

Advantanges of Corporate VPN Packages

Corporate VPN services will provide all business employees with a securely encrypted tunnel via the static IP address of any business.

This means that employees can work in any location, even notoriously insecure WiFi hotspots in places like airports or coffee shops. Once the employee is logged into the business VPN service there will be no fears that emails, business correspondence or other important data can be intercepted by any individuals or competitor businesses.

Further advantages of selecting corporate VPN plans include:

  • provides employees with secure channel for business communications,
    irrespective of worldwide location
  • ensures employee invisibility while surfing the Internet, retaining
    business security
  • allows connectivity from all geo-restricted locations
  • allows cost and time savings in area of business communications
  • provides protection and shielding for complete business network
  • gives all employees rights to securely encrypted Internet access

Top Features of Corporate VPN

When a business is searching for corporate VPN plans the provider with budget packages may not always be the best bet.

The following features should form necessary components of any business VPN plan:

  • network security is an important aspect to any corporate VPN package. Viruses, worms and spyware are important considerations for any business that uses the Internet, alongside hackers, eavesdroppers and spammers. Corporate VPN will ensure these threats become harmless when the secure tunnel is utilized.
  • protocols utilized by corporate VPN plans are also important to consider. The two main protocols in use are IPSec and SSL, with IPSec being the most popular among business users as it is more versatile.
  • accessible customer support is an important feature of any good VPN provider and most important for corporate users, who may need to access online chat services at different hours of the day, depending upon worldwide location.
  • corporate VPN providers that host and manage their own infrastructure should be the preferred choice for most businesses.
    Larger server numbers and a variety of different worldwide locations also allows greater invisibility and accessibility for all employees.

The Top 3 Corporate VPN Providers

The following VPN providers are  considered to be the best providers for business users:

  • VyprVPN Corporate VPN
  • Hide my Ass Corporate VPN
  • PureVPN Corporate VPN

As every business and the demand of each business is different, so are the features of the Top 3 Corporate VPN Providers. Click on the links to read our review – so you can make a good decision, perfectly fitted for your needs. Signing up for a corporate or business VPN package is an important security consideration for any business that utilizes the Internet for its day-to-day operational requirements as the privacy of information transmitted and received can be paramount for any business.